Tuesday 1 July 2008

"Green" "Sex" "Cancer" "Secret" "Fat"

Great article in the NYT yesterday flagged up thanks to a new contact I've added on Twitter.

Need Press? Repeat: ‘Green,’ ‘Sex,’ ‘Cancer,’ ‘Secret,’ ‘Fat’

I don't often blog about more traditional PR approaches, but this is such a great article (though it does confirm what most of us PR peeps know already).

Back in my days as Head of Research-TV we ran several stories to the press on cancer. I remember many of our contacts and clients saying that they wouldn't do these stories anymore because they were tired and overdone, but the message of course is that it isn't they who set the news agenda and if the press are still carrying stories about cancer and you have a good and credible one to tell, then you'd be foolish not to, right?

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