Saturday, 24 May 2008

'Best Answer' on LinkedIn

I'm delighted. I'm chuffed to bits. I'm estatic ... I'm now an 'expert' on PR on LinkedIn!

If you've been following my blog this week, you might have spotted my post earlier this week pondering just how many questions one should actually answer on LinkedIn. This is because I've began answering questions on LinkedIn in the subject areas that I know best. It's part of my own committment to a) establishing myself and my company as an 'expert' in communications and PR and b) sharing best practice and ideas with other communications and PR professionals, and those engaging with PR, comms and marketing.

So, after answering just a few questions on LinkedIn, I'm somewhat delighted to have had my answer selected as the 'best answer' in a recent question. Then when looking at the question page to see what others had said, I spotted against that this answer gets ranked as 'best answer' in the Change Management category too. Bonus!

I guess what I'm trying to do in this blog post, therefore, is share with you my own journey of how using a service like LinkedIn can help to raise one's profile. In itself, it is a PR/marketing tactic with an altruistic edge.

The outcome of my answer to the PR question is that the person answering the question, Justin Foster of The Tricycle, has also now included my answer in his blog post about the question with a link through to the PJC website (the shiny new PJC website I might add!). It's a great blog post in its own right, so go ahead and take a look.

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