Thursday, 15 May 2008

New Challenges, New Opportunities: the role of new media in crisis communications

In my role as Events Officer for the CIPR Education and Skills Sector Group, I have been organising a conference on the role that new media plays in crisis communications. I am very excited about this conference because we have such a great line up:

- Peter Reader, University of Portsmouth (and all-round crisis comms guru for the HE sector!)
- Michael Dame, Virginia Tech (yes, we're flying him all the way from the States to talk about their horrendous experience in April 2007)
- Tom Abbott, University of Warwick (new media guru and my personal sounding board!)
- Emma Leech, Manchester Metropolitan University (Chair of CIPR Education and Skills Sector Group and boss of a very very new media savvy team!)
- Alison Arnott, Glasgow Caledonian University (the first BAA media officer on the ground at Glasgow Airport when the flaming jeep crashed into the building)

This is going to be a really exciting event, with a good long session for groups of delegates to plan how to deal with crisis situations that we'll be throwing at them - with an added element of surprise!

Further details are available online here.

If anyone would like a booking form, they can email me to request one:

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