Friday, 3 October 2008

How are journalists using new media?

My approach to using new and social media as a PR tool is to forget about everything that traditional PR approaches might have taught us (well, perhaps not everything, but many things) and view it as something altogether very very different from media relations. Never sending a press release designed for a journalist to a blogger is a good example of this.

I thrive on the fact that new and social media generates opportunities to communicate direct to key stakeholders without having to hope that a journalist will pick up your story and run with it. However, I often get asked how PR folks can use new media to enhance their traditional media relations aproaches, particularly how new media can help them engage more effectively with journalists. This morning an interesting insight popped up on my Twitter feed.

I follow (follow - not stalk!) a few journalists on Twitter. A particularly prolific 'tweeter' is Joanna Geary from the Birmingham Post. This morning she tweeted about the order in which she checks on everything when she gets into work every day. I thought it provided a particularly interesting insight into a technically-savvy journalist's communication preferences. Here's the order in which she says she checks things, check-out the high prority she gives to online communities:

  1. Personal email

  2. RSS Reader

  3. Twitter

  4. Facebook

  5. LinkedIn

  6. Work Email

I suspect that many journalists aren't as 'into' new media as Joanna is, but this is an interesting insight nevertheless. Many thanks for sharing this with us Joanna!

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