Monday, 4 August 2008

Bringing the genius of Wilkes University to a UK audience

I attended a Higher Education External Relations Association (HEERA) meeting week before last as a representative of the CIPR's Education and Skills group. They were chatting about different events that they might put on. Having recently become aware of Wilkes University's highly targetted advertising campaign that ran in Spring 2007, I mentioned this to them as an interesting case study for a conference session. It seems that none of the marketeers at the table had heard about this campaign, so I thought it worth putting a blog post up here with the link through to this New York Times article about the campaign. Personally, I think this is very daring and a genius approach: a clever marketing campaign that is so clever that the PR value it generated as a consequence is probably worth more to them than the actual marketing!


Mike Nolan said...

I came across this series of adverts a little while ago and I was shocked when the first one I watched was aimed at "Mike"!

Tracy Playle said...

Lol. I think that's the impact they were looking for Mike :-)

For info, a sample selection of the ads are available on YouTube here.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the mention of the Wilkes campaign. It was created by 160over90, a marketing agency in Philadelphia. (I work there.) If you have any questions about the campaign, please get in touch.